Our vision is to see God glorified by men and women living for and proclaiming Jesus Christ, growing healthy churches and reaching the lost.






For more than 150 years, Moore College has been preparing men and women for a life-time of Christian ministry in which they will teach the Bible faithfully in the context of genuine, loving personal relationships.

I am convinced that the blend of learning and community life at Moore is ideal preparation for the opportunities and challenges of being Christ’s ambassador in the twenty-first century. I hope you will consider joining us in this community of Christian living and learning and make your own contribution to it.

Our great concern remains that men and women in Sydney and around the world might hear of the forgiveness of sins that can only be found in Jesus Christ and grow to maturity in that new life which he grants to those who come to him.

Your brother in Christ,
Mark Thompson, Principal

Latest Resources

Men Praying for Moore Breakfast – In Person

CCL: Who am I? The search for identity

CCL: Affluent and Christian? Material goods, the King and the kingdom

"This year, I’ve been reminded again and again of the importance of God’s word. I’ve been challenged to think theologically about how the gospel changes everything, and how we are to live in light of this wonderful truth. I’m also very thankful for the genuine care and kindness of my friends and the Moore College faculty — they have been a great blessing and encouragement to me particularly when I’ve found College hard."

Serena Li

Graduate of 2022