Master of Arts (Theology)

Step One: Application

  • Download and complete an MA Theol Application Form.
  • You will need your academic transcripts from your previous theological studies to accompany your application.

Step Two: References

  • Organise three personal references, one of these should be from someone currently serving in ministry with you. Download three reference forms and give one to each of your referees.
  • References are not required for those who have graduated from Moore College in the last 10 years.

Step Three: What happens next?

  • Application is received. Once your application and references are received, initial review is by the Registrar.
  • Learning & Teaching Committee. Your application will then be sent to the Learning and Teaching Committee for review and they will make a decision regarding your admission.
  • Outcome. A member of the Registrar’s department will email you to confirm the decision.