Diploma of Biblical Theology

CRICOS Code: 00682B


The Diploma of Biblical Theology breaks geographical boundaries to teach and equip you to serve the Lord wherever you are.

This online Diploma uses active learning tools in a digital learning environment to break the boundaries of learning. Even if you can’t physically be on campus, you can still study the Bible and equip yourself to serve the Lord Jesus.

The course is flexible and can be completed in 1 year full time or up to 6 years part time.

How does the DBT work?

  • Content Delivery: The course material is delivered through a combination of interactive reading lecture notes, readings, and some multimedia resources. Students can read, listen, and reflect on the material at their own pace. While each lecture has a small video component, the DBT is primarily a reading course.
  • Asynchronous Learning: Students participate in asynchronous group interactions, which means that each week, they can engage in discussions, share ideas, and ask questions in forums without the need for real-time attendance.
  • Assessments: The course includes a variety of assessments such as forum participation, online quizzes, major thematic assignments, primary document forum discussions, and reflections on practical experiences. These assessments help gauge students’ understanding of the course material and their ability to apply concepts in real-life situations.
  • Feedback and Progress Tracking: Students receive instant feedback from online quizzes and can track their progress in the course with activity completion markers.
  • Community and Skill Development: The course focuses on fostering listening, communication, and feedback skills among peers, ministry members, and individuals from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. This helps students develop essential skills for effective ministry work.
  • Flexible Learning: The online format of the course allows students to access the material at their convenience and study at their own pace, accommodating various learning styles and schedules.
Who should apply?

The DBT is for anyone who can’t study on campus with us.

It will help with training and equipping:

  • Laypeople who have ministry responsibility and help run churches and missions.
  • Teachers, those working on Christian missions both in Australia and abroad.
  • General laypeople seeking to deepen their understanding of God’s promises in the Bible.
  • Laypeople for volunteer work in their local churches and communities, including Bible study leaders, Sunday school teachers, youth group leaders and lay preachers.
Admission Requirements
  • Secondary Education. The normal minimum academic requirement for admission includes an Australian Higher School Certificate or equivalent qualification. The ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) is not used for admission.
  • Work and Life Experience. Enquiries are welcome from Australian residents, without the Australian Higher School Certificate, as mature age students may qualify by an entrance exam.
  • VET Study. Vocational education and training study (VET) is an eligible qualification for admission.
  • Higher Education. An undergraduate degree in any field from an Australian university or equivalent is an eligible qualification for admission.

Applications to commence study in semester 2 are due by 20 June.
Applications for the forthcoming year are due by 20 December.

For full details see the Admissions Policy

English Language Proficiency

For those without an academic qualification in English, a certified copy of an IELTS score of at least 6.5 in all categories of the academic test. TOEFL scores are also accepted.

Credit Transfer
Course Structure

The Diploma of Biblical Theology (DBT) consists of eight units of study.

There are three core units and five elective units.

The three core units which must be completed are:

  • BSD01 Biblical Theology
  • BSD02 Reading the Gospel of Mark
  • CTD01 Church History 1

Students can choose any five elective units. However, students are required to pass at least one elective unit from the three fields of Biblical Studies (BS), Christian Ministry (CM) and Christian Thought (CT). The unit code, such as, BSD01 indicates the field. CTD04 Apologetics is co-branded as a CM elective. This means it can count as a unit in the CM field.

Students commence their study with BSD01 Biblical Theology. After that, the two other core units and the elective units can be taken in any sequence. All units are offered each semester.

Work-Integrated Learning

Work-Integrated Learning is not required of students undertaking the Diploma of Biblical Theology.


The Diploma of Biblical Theology is a standalone course that does not articulate into other courses. However, this course is great if you wish to build a pathway towards further formal theological training for ministry. Graduates with the Diploma of Biblical Theology may be eligible to proceed to the College’s Advanced Diploma of Bible, Mission and Ministry program.

Student Profile

The table below gives an indication of the likely peer cohort for new DBT students at Moore College. It provides data on students that commenced undergraduate study in 2022.

Applicant background

Semester 1 intake 2022

Number of students Percentage of all
new students
A. Past higher education study 20 77%
B. Past vocational education and training study L/N N/P
C. Recent secondary education 0 0
D. Life experience (mature age provisions) L/N N/P
International students N/A N/A
All students 26 100%

For issues of privacy, the following notes apply.

Notes:  L/N – Low numbers: the number of students is less than 5

N/P – Not published: the number is hidden to prevent calculation.