Master of Theology

CRICOS Code: 041658G


A Master of Theology (MTh) is a postgraduate research award and is aimed at specifically equipping graduates for future teaching ministries.

The MTh is a postgraduate research award aimed at equipping graduates for future teaching ministries. Students undertake study primarily in one of the following fields:

  • Biblical Studies (New Testament, Old Testament, Biblical Theology)
  • Christian Thought (Systematic Theology, Historical Theology, Church History, Ethics and Philosophy)
  • Christian Ministry (Mission, Apologetics, Christian Worship).
Who should apply?
Admission Requirements

The academic requirements for entry to the course may be satisfied by any one of the following:

  • Moore College Bachelor of Divinity (BD) graduates with Honours 2A or above, who completed the Research Project unit (CT499) with a score of 72.5% or above;
  • Moore College Bachelor of Theology/Master of Theology (Coursework) (BTh/ThM) graduates with Honours 2A or above, who completed the Research Project unit (CT499) with a score of 72.5% or above may proceed directly to the College’s Master of Theology (Research) (MTh). Graduates with Honours 2A or above who completed Issues in Theology (CT400) instead of the Research Project unit (CT499) need to successfully complete a research task set by the Research Committee to be admitted to the MTh;
  • An average of 72.5% or higher in at least four units (including at least one biblical studies unit based on the original language text of the Bible and a two-unit MA (Theol) Research Project of the Moore College MA (Theol));
  • Graduates of the Moore College Master of Arts (Theology), provided they have achieved an average of 72.5% overall and successfully completed an MA (Theol) Research Project; or
  • Graduates of an approved Australian or overseas institution with a qualification which, in the opinion of the Academic Board, is equivalent to any of the above.
  • A candidate may not be admitted unless the RC determines that adequate supervision is available.
  • Applications for admission for those who are not Moore College graduates should be sent to the Registrar and are to be accompanied by full academic transcripts. The Registrar is responsible for the review of the academic qualifications of all applicants. An interview with the Director of Research will be arranged.
English Language Proficiency

Those whose first language is not English, or who have not completed a degree in English, are required to present a certified copy of an IELTS score of at least 7.5 in all categories of the academic test. The TOEFL equivalent is a minimum of 600.

Credit Transfer
Course Structure

The MTh consists of a three possible pathways:

  • Pathway 1: A thesis of 40,000–50,000 words.
  • Pathway 2: One research unit and a thesis of 30,000–40,000 words
  • Pathway 3: One original language research unit, one research paper and a thesis of 25,000– 32,000 words.

The default option is Pathway 1. The other pathways are possible either on request of the candidate or the recommendation of the supervisor or the Director of Research. There is also flexibility built into the degree enabling a candidate to apply for a change of pathway on the recommendation of their supervisor.Candidates are required to attend and participate in the Research Forums held four times a year.

Work-Integrated Learning
Student Profile