Preliminary Theological Certificate



The course aims to build your understanding and appreciation of the biblical, theological and historical foundations of the Christian faith.

Flexible study options include online or correspondence modes of study. A subscription option is also available which provides online reading access.

Features of the PTC include:

  • 22 PTC units to choose from
  • Study one or many units
  • Three awarded levels
  • Online PTC notes
  • Interactive quizzes
  • Detailed exam feedback
Who should apply?
Admission Requirements
English Language Proficiency
Credit Transfer

All fees and charges are in Australian dollars (AUD).

PTC Enrolment

Single Unit Enrolment

  • with Online Exam:  $50
  • with Paper Exam option:  $70

PTC Subscription (Annual)

Online PTC Subscription – $60

Printed PTC notes

Per book – $20 (+ Postage & Handling)

Postage and Handling

Australia: $7 per book

International: $30 per book

Course Structure

You are free to complete the PTC units in any order, however you will need to know the PTC Course Structure if you are working towards an award.

The PTC units are arranged into three consecutive levels, with six units in each. Students receive an award after successful completion of each consecutive level.

The PTC Level One Award: 6 Level One core units
The PTC Level Two Award: 4 Level Two core units + 2 elective units
The PTC Level Three Award: 4 Level Three core units + 2 elective units

PTC Level One Units

  • Introduction to the Bible (BT1)
  • Promise to Fulfilment (BT2)
  • Pentateuch (OT1)
  • Mark’s Gospel (NT1)
  • Knowledge of God (Doctrine 1)
  • Ephesians


PTC Level Two Units

  • Former Prophets (OT2)
  • Acts (NT2)
  • Christ & His Work (Doctrine 2)
  • Early Church History
  • Elective 1
  • Elective 2


PTC Level Three Units

  • Latter Prophets (OT3)
  • Paul’s Letters (NT3)
  • The Church (Doctrine 3)*
  • Reformation Church History
  • Elective 3
  • Elective 4

* The Church (Doctrine 3) is only available as a paper-based unit. It is not yet available online. Exam is by short answer questions based on the PTC notes.

PTC Elective Units

  • Apologetics*
  • Christian Ethics
  • Christian Worship
  • John’s Gospel
  • New Testament 4
  • Prayer Book
  • Romans
  • Wisdom & Exile

* Apologetics is only available as a paper-based unit. It is not yet available online. Exam is by short answer questions based on the PTC notes.

Work-Integrated Learning
Student Profile