CCL: Affluent and Christian? Material goods, the King and the kingdom

Aug 21




Wednesday, 21 August 2024. Talks and Q&A: 7:30-9:00pm; supper for in-person attendees: 9:00-9:30pm (GMT +10 Australian Eastern Standard Time).

If you can’t tune in on the night, the event will be recorded, and everyone who has registered will have access to rewatch the video almost immediately after the event’s conclusion.


  • In person in Marcus Loane Hall, Moore Theological College, 1 King St, Newtown.
  • Via livestream (URL supplied upon registration).



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Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2 ESV)

The world is becoming wealthier and wealthier. Since the turn of the century, the net worth of many countries in the West and in Asia has tripled, poverty rates have fallen, and life expectancy has increased by more than six years.

At the same time, the divide between rich and poor has increased, with the richest one per cent owning almost fifty per cent of all the world’s wealth. Five to ten per cent of people still live in extreme poverty, even in the most affluent nations. Furthermore, while money can buy happiness, it can only do so up to a certain point, and wealthier people are more likely to be less generous and less kind to others.

How should Christians think about affluence? Is material prosperity a blessing or a curse, or both? Given the state of the world and income inequality, what are we to do with the riches God has given us? At this event, Michael Jensen, rector of St Mark’s Anglican Darling Point, will help us see our earthly treasure the way our heavenly Father does.

About our speaker

CCL: Affluent and Christian? Material goods, the King and the kingdom - Moore College Michael Jensen

Michael Jensen is the rector of St Mark’s Anglican, Darling Point, in Sydney, Australia.