
General Fund

Support the College’s operations allowing allocation of funds to urgent priorities, enhancing the educational environment for all students.

Building Development Fund

Contribute to enhancing College facilities, including accommodation and study spaces, creating space to grow Christian community.

Donald Robinson Library Fund

Enhance the Donald Robinson Library’s resources, supporting the academic and research needs of the College community.

GAFCON Fellowship Scholarship

This scholarship is to be awarded to students whose studies at Moore College will provide a strategic advantage to GAFCON.

Global Ministry Scholarship Fund

The Global Ministry Scholarship Fund supports international students who have been involved in Christian ministry in an Australian context and who are seeking further theological education to equip them for ministry and leadership. 

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Indigenous Support Fund

Support Indigenous students as they equip themselves to minister across people groups and regions.

International Student Fund

Support the training of international church leaders, addressing the global need for evangelical ministry and missionary work.

Overseas DBT Scholarship

Support overseas students who are engaging in ministry in their home country and studying the Diploma of Biblical Theology online.

PTC Bursary Fund

Assist students in financial need, including refugees and prison inmates, to study the PTC online, expanding access to theological education.

Regional Australia Student Fund

Aid students from or intending to serve in regional Australia, supporting ministry in rural communities with well-trained leadership.

Scholarships Fund

Enable scholarships for students demonstrating financial need, academic merit, and/or ministry or mission potential.

Student Support Fund

Assist students with living expenses, enabling them to dedicate more time to immersive study and service in the Christian community.

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