Dan Wu

The Rev Dr
Dan Wu

Old Testament

Qualifications: BSc (Sydney), BD (Moore), PhD (Sydney)

Research Interests: include the books of Proverbs, Psalms, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Amos, and Samuel, the themes of glory/honour, shame, and guilt in the Bible and human culture, and the theology and practice of preaching.

Dan is married to Chrissie, and they have three sons: Liam, Archie and Harry.

Dan loves seeing people grow in their understanding of and passion for Jesus, and loves being involved in training people to serve God in the world. His doctoral research explored the relationship of honour, shame and guilt in the Bible, focussing on the book of Ezekiel. He also loves fishing, all forms of footy, fishing, basketball, and fishing.

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Journals & Articles
Books & Book Chapters

“The Place of Romans 7 in Romans.” Churchman 124/4 (2010): 343–356.

“Old Testament Challenges: Christocentric or Christotelic Sermons.” In Theology is For Preaching: Biblical Foundations, Method and Practice. Edited by Chase R Kuhn and Paul Grimmond. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2021.

“The Role of Lament in the Shape of the Psalter.” Chapter 10 in Finding Lost Words: The Church’s Right to Lament. Edited by Geoffrey Harper and Kit Barker.  ACTMS; Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2017.

Honour, Shame, and Guilt: Social-Scientific Approaches to the Book of Ezekiel. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2016.

“The Psalms & Perplexity.” Pages 230–251 in Stirred by a Noble Theme: the Book of Psalms in the Life of the Church. Edited by Andrew G. Shead. Nottingham: IVP, 2013.