David Höhne

The Rev Dr
David Höhne

Academic Dean

Qualifications: BA (UNSW), BD, MTh (Moore), PhD (Cantab)

Research Interests: includes the Doctrine of the Trinity and Gender, the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, cultic and forensic aspects in the atonement theology of Karl Barth, and Romanticism in modern culture.

I am married to Amelia, and we have a daughter and two sons.

As a child of former CMS Missionaries, I had the privilege of growing up in a home in which following Jesus meant serving him, the church and the world. In 1979 I ‘went forward’ at a Billy Graham Crusade meeting in Sydney because the Lord graciously revealed to me the cost that he had paid for the life I was enjoying. My wife Amelia and I met as students benefitting from the campus ministry at UNSW. After graduating we committed our lives to serving the Lord together and entered Moore College in the early 90s. Since then we have served in Anglican churches in Sydney, Canberra and the UK (honorary). From 2007 we have lived with our daughter and sons in Newtown serving at Moore and in the local church. I love the smell of rain after a hot day, the sound of God’s people singing his praises, the look of joy on someone’s face when they learn something new, the taste of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and the feel of a new book.

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Journals & Articles
Books & Book Chapters

“The Messiah, the Temple and the God we Worship.” St Mark’s Review 250(4) (Dec 2019): 44–52.

The Last Things. Contours of Christian Theology. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2019.

“Always Reforming? Reformation and Revolution in the Age of Romance.” Pages 353–382 in Celebrating the Reformation: its Legacy and Continuing Relevance. Edited by Mark D. Thompson, Colin R. Bale & Edward A. Loane.  London: Apollos, 2017.

“The Spirit’s Perfecting Work on the Emotions.” Pages 141–164 in True Feelings: Perspectives on Emotions in Christian Life and Ministry. Edited by Michael P. Jensen. Nottingham: IVP, 2012.

“Moltmann on Salvation.” Pages 152–173 in Juergen Moltmann and Evangelical Theology. Edited by Sung Wook Chung. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2012.

The Spirit and Sonship: Colin Gunton’s Theology of Particularity and the Holy Spirit. Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2010.

“The Secret Agent of Natural Causes.” Pages 158-178 in Engaging Calvin. Edited by Mark D. Thompson. Leicester: Apollos, 2009.

“Ancient Words on Embracing the Excluded.” Pages 135–138 in The Faith Once For All Delivered. An Australian Evangelical Response to the Windsor Report. Edited by Peter G. Bolt, Mark D. Thompson and Robert Tong. Camperdown, NSW: Australian Church Record, 2005.

Famine and Fortune. With Barry G. Webb. Kingsford, NSW: St Matthias Press, 1996.