Jocelyn Loane

Jocelyn Loane

Jocelyn is married to Ed, and they have been in full time ministry together since 2008. She has served alongside Ed in parish ministry in Sydney, in the UK and as a faculty wife at Moore College from 2014-2019. Ed is currently the warden of St Paul’s College.

Jocelyn’s primary role for the last fifteen years has been raising their 5 children, but she has also taken opportunities to lead Bible studies, run playgroups, meet one to one with women and write Christian articles. She is involved with MT&D as both an ordination chaplain and as part of the committee that runs the MT&D Wives program. Jocelyn enjoys reading and runs Christian and secular book clubs, as well as helping select the EQUIP Top 10 books each year.

She is delighted to be back in the Moore College community as a chaplain in 2021.

Journals & Articles
Books & Book Chapters