Lionel Windsor

The Rev Dr
Lionel Windsor

New Testament

Qualifications: BEng (Hons) (UNSW), BD (Moore), PhD (Durham)

Research Interests: include the books of Romans, Ephesians and the Pastoral Epistles, ministry and mission in the Pauline letters, and Jewish identity in the New Testament.

Lionel is married to Bronwyn and they have three children: Adelaide (married to Tom), Harry and Eleanor.

Lionel and his family attends St Nicholas’ Anglican Church, Coogee. Before he started his formal Christian ministry training, Lionel worked as an engineer in a solar energy research company. He is an ordained presbyter in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.

Lionel has published books for a wide readership on topics such as the environment, evangelism, social media, and truthfulness. He has also published various academic articles and books. For further details, see

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Journals & Articles
Books & Book Chapters

“Israel and the Apostolic Mission: A Post-Supersessionist Reading of Ephesians and Colossians.” Religions 14/1 (2023): 44.

“Obedience and Submission in 1 Peter.” The Global Anglican 136/2 (2022): 126–144.

“The Formation of Gentile Christ-believing Identity vis-à-vis Israel in Ephesians and Barnabas.” Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia 11/4 (2018).

“Are we there yet? ‘Exile’ in the Bible.” Vine Journal 5 (2017): 7–20.

“Whose Incarnation is it Anyway?” Modern Reformation 25/6 (1 Nov 2016): 70–71.

“Learning to Speak Christian in an Online World.” Vine Journal 4 (2016): 17–27.

Truth Be Told: Living Truthfully in a Post-Truth World. Sydney: Matthias Media, 2023.

“The Reports of the Board of Assessors and the House of Bishops”, pages 77–89 in Robert Tong, Claire Smith and Mike Leite, eds. The Line in the Sand: The Appellate Tribunal Opinion and the Future of the Anglican Church in Australia. Camperdown, NSW: Australian Church Record, 2022.

Is God Green? Sydney: Matthias Media, 2018.

Reading Ephesians and Colossians after Supersessionism: Christ’s Mission Through Israel to the Nations. Eugene: Cascade Books, 2017.

Gospel Speech Online: Speaking the Truth in Love in a Digital World. Sydney: Matthias Media, 2017.

“The Work of Ministry in Ephesians 4:12.” Chapter 1 in Tend My Sheep: The Word of God and Pastoral Ministry. Edited by Keith G. Condie. London: Latimer Trust, 2016.

“The ‘Seed,’ the ‘Many’ and the ‘One’ in Galatians 3:16: Paul’s Reading of Genesis 17 and its Significance for Gentiles.” Pages 115–126 in All That the Prophets Have Declared: The Appropriation of Scripture in the Emergence of Christianity. Edited by Mathew R Malcolm. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2015.

Gospel Speech: a Fresh Look at the Relationship Between Every Christian and Evangelism. Brief Books Series.  Sydney: Matthias Media, 2015.

Paul and the Vocation of Israel: How Paul’s Jewish Identity Informs his Apostolic Ministry, with special reference to Romans. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft Vol 205.  Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter, 2014.

“Preachers and Leaders.” Chapter 8 in Women, Sermons and the Bible. Edited by Peter G Bolt and Tony Payne. Sydney: Matthias Media, 2014.

“Paul’s Covenant of Ministry.” Chapter 12 in Donald Robinson Selected Works Volume 3: Appreciation. Edited by Peter G Bolt and Mark D Thompson. Sydney: ACR/Moore Theological College, 2008.