
Growing in the knowledge of God is more than simply learning and knowing ‘stuff’. It is about being shaped and transformed, growing in Christ-likeness, in fellowship with others. We are committed to fostering loving personal relationships, developed through regular meeting centred on prayer and hearing God’s word, as the proper context for learning about God and his purposes.

Community Meals

All full-time students are expected to attend each weekday lunch. Each Chaplaincy Group is invited (with spouses) to a dinner on a Tuesday evening in the course of the year. Married students may attend other weekday evening meals by booking at Reception and paying the usual fee.

Chaplaincy Groups

Meeting together in Chaplaincy Groups with faculty and female chaplains is integral to the College’s commitment to learning in fellowship. The groups perform a number of important functions in the preparation of students for Christian ministry and leadership. Within the College program various other groups also help to set a vision for gospel ministry and foster fellowship, theological reflection, group skills, prayer, mission and accountability.

Chapel Services

All full-time students are expected to attend chapel Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays at 9:05 and a chaplaincy group on Thursday at the same time. Students participate by leading chapel, reading the Bible and leading in prayer.

Moore College Missions

Each year, Moore College sends teams of students, faculty and chaplains out from college to partner with churches in Sydney, Australia and overseas to run missions that proclaim Jesus.

Dean of Students

The Dean of Students is responsible for the spiritual and personal welfare, and all other matters which affect the well-being of students and their families, including student housing, residence (including John Chapman House, Carillon House, But-Har-Gra and Moore West) and catering. The Dean is also responsible to the Principal for the coordination of chaplaincy reports for students offering for ordination in the Anglican and Presbyterian denominations.

Sport and Recreation

Various sports are organised during the course of the year, including touch football, ultimate frisbee and soccer. By special arrangement, St John’s and St Paul’s ovals are available from time to time. A pool table is available in the John Chapman House Common Room. Volley ball may be played in the Triangle of John Chapman House.

Moore College students are eligible to join the Sydney University Sports Union and so take advantage of their swimming, squash, tennis and gymnasium facilities.

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