Mark Thompson

The Rev Canon Dr
Mark Thompson


Qualifications: BA (Macquarie), BTh, MTh (ACT), DPhil (Oxon)

Research Interests: include the doctrines of Scripture, Christ, justification by faith, as well as Martin Luther and reformation history and theology.

Mark is married to Kathryn, and they have four daughters: Elizabeth, Anna, Rachel and Mary.

My great passion is to see men and women equipped in understanding, character, conviction and skill for the remarkable privilege of participating in God’s great mission of bringing men and women from every nation into the kingdom of his Son. I am convinced that studying at Moore College is one the very best ways to be so equipped. Apart from College, I enjoy family life, friendship, reading, movies, gentle exercise and meeting with God’s people at St Andrew’s Cathedral on Sundays. I am involved in a number of ways with the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, chiefly as the Chair of the Sydney Diocesan Doctrine Commission. I have also been involved with the GAFCON movement from its beginning, serving on its Theological Commission and Statement Group. Before teaching at College I served on the staff of two churches in Sydney (St Swithun’s Pymble and St Luke’s Dapto). I have served as Principal of the College since 2013.

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Journals & Articles
Books & Book Chapters

“The Descent of Christ into Hell.” Churchman: a Journal of Anglican Theology 133/1 (2019): 11–20.

“What is the Gospel?” Vine Journal 1 (2015): 23–31.

“The Theology of the Cross for Today.” Vine Journal 2 (December, 2015): 13–22.

“The Origin of the Thirty-Nine Articles.” Churchman 125/1 (2011): 37–50.

“The History of Subscription to the Thirty-Nine Articles.” Churchman 125/2 (2011): 135–150.

“Luther and the Jews.” Reformed Theological Review 67:3 (2008): 121–145.

“The Authority of Scripture.” Published GAFCON website http:, April 2008.

“From the Trinity to the Cross.” Reformed Theological Review 63 (2004): 16–28.

Claritas Scripturae in the Eucharistic Writings of Martin Luther.” Westminster Theological Journal 60 (1998): 23–41.

“Reformation Perspectives on Scripture: The Written Word of God.” Reformed Theological Review 57 (1998): 105–20.

“The Sufficiency of Scripture.” Latimer Comment 63 (1997): 1–4.

“Being Clearly and Positively Evangelical.” Churchman 111 (1997): 159–70.

“Can We Confidently Make a Stand? Luther’s Approach to Holy Scripture and Ours.” Whitefield Briefing 2/3 (1997).

“Assurance and the New Perspective on Paul.” Reformed Theological Review 53 (1994): 73–86.

“The Declarative God: Toward a Theological Description of Preaching.” In Theology is For Preaching: Biblical Foundations, Method and Practice. Edited by Chase R Kuhn and Paul Grimmond. Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2021.

“Attentively Reading Scripture.” Pages 73–85 in Marriage, Same-Sex Marriage and the Anglican Church of Australia: Essays from the Doctrine Commission. Mulgrave, Vic.: Broughton Publishing, 2019.

“A Clarifying Moment? The Continuing Significance of the Leipzig Disputation.” Pages 25–49 in Luther @500 and Beyond: Martin Luther’s Theology Past, Present & Future. Edited by S. Hultgren, S. Pietsch and J. Silcock. Hindmarsh, SA: ATF Press, 2019.

“Friendship and the Trinity.” Pages 201–206 in Marriage, Same-Sex Marriage and the Anglican Church of Australia: Essays from the Doctrine Commission. Mulgrave, Vic.: Broughton Publishing, 2019.

“The Theology of Justification by Faith: The Theological Case for Sola Fide.” Pages 419–440 in The Doctrine on Which the Church Stands or Falls: Justification in Biblical, Theological, Historical and Pastoral Perspective. Edited by Matthew Barrett. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books: 2019.

“Mike Ovey as a Theologian.” Pages 1–22  in The Goldilocks Zone: Collected Writings of Michael J. Ovey. Edited C. Green.  London: IVP, 2018.

“Revelation, Sola Scriptura, and Regenerate Human Reason.” Pages 232–250 in Revelation and Reason in Christian Theology. Edited by David I. Starling and Christopher C. Green. Washington: Lexham Press, 2018.

“Article III: On the Going Down of Christ into Hell.” Pages 26–33 in Foundations of Faith: Reflections on the Thirty-nine Articles.  Edited by Lee Gatiss. London: Latimer Trust 2018.

“Sola Scriptura.” Pages 145–187 in Reformation Theology: A Systematic Summary. Edited by M. Barrett. Wheaton: Crossway, 2017.

Celebrating the Reformation: its Legacy and Continuing Relevance. Edited by Mark D. Thompson, Colin R. Bale & Edward A. Loane. London: Apollos, 2017.

“The Lambeth Conference: Has it succeeded? Can it survive?” Pages 341–357 in The Lambeth Conference: Theology, History, Polity and Purpose. Edited by P. Avis and B. Guyer. Edinburgh: Bloomsbury, 2017.

“Luther and Scripture: Contexts and Commitments.” Pages 9–31 in Reformation Quincentenary: Essays on the Thought, Practice and Impact of Martin Luther. Edited by J.C. Hood. Reformed Theological Review Supplement Series #5, 2017.

“Martin Luther.” Pages 17–42  in Celebrating the Reformation: its Legacy and Continuing Relevance. Edited by Mark D. Thompson, Colin R. Bale & Edward A. Loane.  London: Apollos, 2017.

“Scripture alone.” Pages 219–241 in Celebrating the Reformation: its Legacy and Continuing Relevance. Edited by Mark D. Thompson, Colin R. Bale & Edward A. Loane.  London: Apollos, 2017.

“Trinity and Revelation.”  Pages 241–263 in The Essential Trinity. Edited by Brandon D. Crowe & Carl R. Trueman. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing Company, 2016.

“The Generous Gift of a Gracious Heavenly Father: Toward a Theological Account of the Clarity of Scripture.” Pages 615–643 in The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures. Edited by D.A Carson. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016.

“The Sufficient Word.” Chapter 2 in Tend My Sheep: The Word of God and Pastoral Ministry. Edited by Keith G. Condie. London: Latimer Trust, 2016.

“Theological Ground of Complementarianism.” Chapter 9 in Women, Sermons and the Bible. Edited by Peter G. Bolt & Tony Payne. Cited 29 May 2015. Online:

Edited, Human Sexuality and the ‘Same Sex Marriage Debate. Sydney: Anglican Press, 2015.

“It is the last hour.” Pages 53–74 in Let the Word do the Work: Essays in Honour of Philip D. Jensen. Edited by Peter G. Bolt.  Camperdown: Australian Church Record, 2015.

“Luther on God and History.” Pages 127-142 in The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology. 1st ed. Edited by Robert Klob, Irene Dingel and L’ubomír Batkads. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.

“The Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON).”  Pages 739–749 in Locating the Anglican Communion in the History of Anglicanism. Edited by  I. S. Markham, J. B. Hawkins, J. Terry & L. N. Steffensen. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.

“The Psalms and Christian Doctrine.” Pages 105–121 in Stirred by a Noble Theme: the Book of Psalms in the Life of the Church. Edited by Andrew G. Shead. Nottingham: IVP, 2013.

“What is the Bible?” Pages xxi–xxvi in NIV Proclamation Bible, with Introductory Essays, Section Introductions and Introductions to Bible Books. Edited by Lee Gatiss. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2013.

“The Clarity of Scripture.” In The Scripture Project: The Bible and Biblical Authority in the New Millennium. Edited by D.A. Carson. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012.

“The Divine Investment in Truth: Toward a Theological Account of Biblical Inerrancy.” Pages 71–97 in Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?: A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern  Approaches to Scripture. Edited by J. K. Hoffmeier & D. R. Magary. Wheaton: Crossway, 2012.

“The Divine Investment in Truth: Towards a Theological Account of Biblical Inerrancy.” In The Bible and The Academy.  Edited by in J Hoffmeier & D. R. Magary. Wheaton: Crossway, 2011.

“The Theological Necessity of Lay Administration’. Pages 44–51 in The Lord’s Supper in Human Hands: Epilogue. Edited P. G. Bolt, M. D. Thompson & R. Tong. Sydney: Australian Church Record/Anglican Church League, 2010.

Edited, Engaging with Calvin. Nottingham: IVP, 2009.

“Calvin on the Cross of Christ.” Pages 107–127 in John Calvin and Evangelical Theology: Legacy and Prospect. Edited by S. W. Chung. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2009.

“Calvin on the Mediator.” Pages 106–135  in Engaging with Calvin: Aspects of the Reformer’s Legacy Today. Edited by Mark D. Thompson. Nottingham: IVP, 2009.

“Martin Luther.” Pages 299–318. in A History of Biblical Interpretation, volume 2: The Medieval through the Reformation Periods. Edited by A. J. Hauser & D. F. Watson.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009.

“No charge admitted: justification and the defeat of the powers.” In Christ’s Victory over Evil: Biblical Theology and Pastoral Ministry. Edited by Peter G. Bolt. Nottingham: IVP, 2009.

“Word of God.” In Encyclopaedia of Christian Civilization. Edited by G. T. Kurian. Oxford: Blackwell, 2009.

“Luther On Despair.” Pages 51–74 in Consolations of Theology. Edited by Brian S. Rosner. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008

“Martin Luther: A Theologian Forged by Trial.” Pages 93–104 in On Eagles’ Wings: An Exploration of Strength in the Midst of Weakness. Edited by M. Parsons & D. J. Cohen. Cambridge: Lutterworth, 2008.

“What have we done to the Bible? Or Lessons we should have learned from Donald Robinson on the Authority of Holy Scripture.” Pages 177–188 in Donald Robinson Selected Works: Appreciation. Edited by Peter G. Bolt & Mark D. Thompson. Sydney: Australian Church Record, 2008.

“Witness to The Word: Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Scripture.” Pages 168–197 in Engaging with Barth: Contemporary Evangelical Critiques. Edited by .D. Gibson & D. Strange Nottingham: IVP, 2008.

Edited (with Peter G. Bolt), Donald Robinson: Selected Works. Vol. 1: Assembling God’s People. Camperdown, NSW: Australian Church Record / Moore College, 2008.

Edited (with Peter G. Bolt), Donald Robinson: Selected Works. Vol. 2: Proclaiming God’s Word. Camperdown, NSW: Australian Church Record / Moore College, 2008.

Edited (with Peter G. Bolt), Donald Robinson: Selected Works Vol 3: Appreciation. Camperdown, NSW: Australian Church Record / Moore College, 2008.

A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture. Leicester: IVP, 2006.

Too Big For Words?  The Transcendence of God and Finite Human Speech. London: Latimer Trust, 2006.

“Church, Existence of.” Pages 155–157 in New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics. Edited by W. C. Campbell-Jack & G. McGrath. Leicester: IVP, 2006.

“The Church of God and The Anglican Church of Australia.” Pages 223–243 in Wonderful and Confessedly Strange’: Australian Essays in Anglican Ecclesiology. Edited by B. N. Kaye. Adelaide: ATF, 2006.

“The Concept of ‘Adiaphora’ and the Windsor Report .” Pages 103–108 in The Faith Once For All Delivered. An Australian Evangelical Response to the Windsor Report. Edited by Peter G. Bolt, Mark D. Thompson and Robert Tong. Camperdown, NSW: Australian Church Record, 2005.

Edited with Peter. G. Bolt and Robert Tong. The Faith Once for all Delivered: An Australian Evangelical Response to The Windsor Report’. Camperdown: Australian Church Record, 2005.

“Scripture in the Windsor Report.” Pages 91–95 in The Faith Once For All Delivered. An Australian Evangelical Response to the Windsor Report. Edited by Peter G. Bolt, Mark D. Thompson and Robert Tong. Camperdown, NSW: Australian Church Record, 2005.

“The Uniqueness of Christ as the Revealer of God.” Pages 90–110 in Christ the One and Only: A Global Affirmation of the Uniqueness of Jesus Christ. Edited by S. W. Chung.  Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005.

A Sure Ground on Which to Stand: The Relation of Authority and Interpretive Method in Luther’s Approach to Scripture. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2004.

Edited (with Peter. G. Bolt), The Gospel to the Nations: Perspectives on Paul’s Mission. Essays in Honour of Peter Thomas O’Brien on his Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Leicester: IVP, 2000.

“The Missionary Apostle and Modern Systematic Affirmation.” Pages 365–82in The Gospel to the Nations: Perspectives on Paul’s Mission. Essays in Honour of Peter Thomas O’Brien on his Sixty-fifth Birthday. Edited by Peter G. Bolt & Mark D. Thompson. Leicester: IVP, 2000.

“Saving the Heart of Evangelicalism.” Pages 28–41 in The Anglican Evangelical Crisis. Edited by M. Tinker. Fearn, Scotland: Christian Focus, 1995.

“Does the Local Church Have a Mission?” Pages 1–25 in Explorations 7: Exploring the Missionary Church. Edited by Barry G. Webb. Homebush West, NSW: Lancer, 1994.