Jane Tooher

Jane Tooher

Ministry and Mission
Director, Priscilla and Aquila Centre

Qualifications: BTh (ACT), DipMin (Moore), MA(Theol) (Moore)

Research Interests: include Complementarianism; Women in Church History; the brevity of life; and Christians dying a Good Death.

I live in Newtown, and I am a member of All Saints Anglican Church, Petersham. Although I grew up going to church, I was saved when a friend invited me to the Christian group in high school. There we studied the Bible, and in God’s mercy, I understood that Jesus died for my sins and that I could have assurance of salvation. Over time, I realised that Jesus being Lord of my life was good and freeing and that others needed to hear what God has done for us through Jesus on the cross. I studied at Moore in the mid-nineties and then served in church ministry in Sydney and London before joining the faculty in August 2009. I love walking, country NSW, movies, hospitality, the local church, equipping the saints, and seeing people saved.

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Journals & Articles
Books & Book Chapters

“A response to Matt Brain’s paper.” St Mark’s Review  No. 217/3 (2011): 43–46.

‘Love His Name’, Gathering our Prayers Together: 60 Reflections on the Anglican Collects (ed. Lee Gatiss) (Church Society) 2023.

‘Dorothy Mowll: A woman of courage’, Howard and Dorothy Mowll: Global Anglican Pioneers (ed. Erin Mollenhauer) (Latimer Trust) 2023.

Embracing Complementarianism: Turning Biblical Convictions into Positive Church Culture co-authored by Graham Beynon & Jane Tooher (The Good Book Co.) 2022.

‘The People Who Listen: The Corporate Task of Hearing God’s Word’, Theology is For Preaching: Biblical Foundations, Method and Practice (eds. Chase R. Kuhn and Paul Grimmond) (Lexham Press) 2021.

‘The Importance of Theological Formation for a Lifetime of Ministry’ with Mark Thompson, The Mission Before Us: Why Sydney Anglican Ministry? (ed. Mike Leite) (Australian Church Record) 2020.

‘Article 12’, Foundations of Faith: Reflections on the Thirty-nine Articles (ed. Lee Gatiss) (Church Society/Lost Coin Books) 2018.

‘Katherine Zell: the varied ministries of one Reformation woman’, Celebrating the Reformation: its Legacy and Continuing Relevance. (eds. Mark D. Thompson, Colin Bale & Edward Loane) (Apollos) 2017.

‘A Friendship Revealed. The Marsden & Stokes Family Correspondence’, Freedom to Libel? Samuel Marsden V Philo Free: Australia’s First Libel Case (eds. Peter G. Bolt & Martin Falloon) (Bolt Publishing Services Pty. Ltd) 2017.

‘Overflowing with ministry opportunities!’, Positively Anglican: Building on the Foundations and Transforming the Church (ed. Lee Gatiss) (Lost Coin Books) 2016.

‘8 Ways That Humility Can Become Out Greatest Friend’, Let the Word do the Work: Essays in Honour of Phillip D. Jensen. (ed. Peter G. Bolt) (Australian Church Record) 2015.

‘Hearing the OT Women in Matthew’s Genealogy: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and the Wife of Uriah the Hittite’, Listen to Him. Reading & Preaching Emmanuel in Matthew (ed. Peter G. Bolt) (Latimer Trust) 2015.

‘Introductory notes to 2 & 3 John’, The NIV Proclamation Bible (ed. Lee Gatiss) (Hodder & Stoughton) 2013.

‘Bishop Robinson’s, ‘Questions about Marriage in 1 Cor 7’: An Appreciation’, Donald Robinson Selected Works. Appreciation (eds. Peter G. Bolt & Mark D. Thompson) (Australian Church Record/Moore College) 2008.

‘The Rhetoric of Reception: Lessons from the Ordination of Priests’, The Faith Once For All Delivered: An Australian Evangelical Response to The Windsor Report (eds. Peter G. Bolt, Mark D. Thompson & Robert Tong) (Australian Church Record) 2005.