Vision, Mission and Values


To see God glorified by men and women living for and proclaiming Jesus Christ, growing healthy churches and reaching the lost.


To provide excellent evangelical theological education.


Christian Faith

Trust in God and his purposes as these are revealed in Jesus Christ and conveyed to us by the Holy Spirit in the canonical scriptures of the Old and New Testaments;


Honesty, transparency, fairness and accountability in all personal behaviour and community practices;


Generosity and compassion in dealings with each other, reflecting the undeserved mercy of God in Christ;


Placing the welfare of others above personal interests and convenience, using the gifts and talents that God has graciously given;


Loving personal relationships, developed through regular meeting and a common focus, as the proper context for learning about the triune God and his purposes;


Rigour of thought characterised by a careful use of primary evidence, breadth of research and appropriate inferences, resulting in fresh and readily accessible approaches to both classic issues and contemporary questions;

Gender Complementarity

Affirmation of the fundamental equality and mutual dependence of men and women as image bearers of God, while recognising proper differences in roles and responsibilities in life and Christian ministry;

Freedom of Enquiry

The freedom to subject all ideas to honest inquiry;


Growth in the knowledge of God is best conducted for, and in the context of, life application and active participation in Christian service.