
Moorewomen aims to provide a range of opportunities for women at College to be growing and serving together under Christ.

We are keen for everyone’s time at Moore College to be spiritually rich and rewarding as they grow to know and love God better and prepare to serve him in our Diocese and beyond. We are particularly concerned for student wives to be knit into our community and to provide a range of opportunities for them to grow in Christ with other women and be equipped to partner with their husbands in lifelong gospel work.

For this reason, we organise a number of activities for women. More details in relation to each of these can be found below. Of course, all College women, wives or students, are welcome to attend any of these activities when they are able.

It is our prayer that these activities will help you make the most of your time at College as you gain new skills, make lasting friendships and care for others in preparation for a lifetime of serving our Lord Jesus.

Many of these activities are organised by committees comprised mainly of student and faculty wives. You may like to consider joining one of these committees during your time at College in order to learn, and to serve others, while enjoying great Christian fellowship.

Bible Study Groups

Moorewomen Bible Study groups meet weekly to read the Bible and pray together. Joining a group is one of the best ways to get to know other women at College, while being encouraged in reading God’s word together. Groups meet at various times throughout the week, at all three College campuses. Register here for a bible study group.


  • Wednesday evenings at 7pm. Parking can be arranged for evening groups. Dinner is also available upon request for those coming into Newtown evening groups
  • Friday mornings at 10am (with crèche)

But-Har-Gra (Croydon Park)

Moorewest (Parramatta)

Creche operates for the morning groups at each centre. This is run each week by women from each Bible Study group and some paid helpers, on a rostered basis. Being a part of the crèche roster each term is an important way that we can serve one another and our children.

Note: If you will be assisting with crèche and haven’t informed Moorewomen of your Working With Children Check details, please provide that information as soon as possible.

Contact Amy Kern if you have any queries about creche.

Moorewomen Talks

Moorewomen Talks is our regular weekly program of great talks for women at College. Although the program is prepared particularly with student wives in mind, we are keen for all women in the College community to join us and learn with us.

Moorewomen Talks is about growing to be: mature examples of godliness, faithful supporters of our ministry husbands; and wise and practical servants of Jesus, equipped and eager to love and serve God’s people. Join us for great talks by guest speakers and faculty on Thursday nights, 7.30-9pm during College term! The nights cover a huge range of topics including Bible teaching, ministry skills, thinking about issues in modern culture through a Christian lens, marriage and family, mission and more. We would love to see you whenever you can make it.

As well as providing a great way to be strengthened, stretched and encouraged, Moorewomen Talks also provides opportunities to serve and connect with other women in the College Community. You can catch up with old friends and make new ones. You can get involved in running a night or join the committee that organises these evenings. Make the most of your time at College and get involved in this unique women’s ministry as you prepare for a lifetime of service.

Here is our program for Moorewomen Talks in Term 2 of 2024:

For any enquiries, please contact Chloe Wood.

Magnolia Magazine

Magnolia is a magazine published by Moorewomen. It aims to cover theological, pastoral and personal issues relevant to women whose husbands are studying or who are studying themselves, as well as useful bits and pieces about living as a wife or College student. 

Magnolia is put together by a team of women and is always looking for submissions by others. If you are interested in being part of the team who meet through the year to plan issues and source articles, or if you would like to write an article on a relevant topic that interests you, please get in touch with Kaysia Thompson.

Magnolia is now online! Read a recent edition here:

Moorewomen Books

Are you an avid reader of Christian books? Or is there a large pile of books gathering dust beside your bed, with bookmarks left at just one chapter in? Whichever best describes you, we have a group to help encourage you to complete and reflect on what you read. Moorewomen Books is an opportunity for women to read and discuss Christian books together. There will be one book allocated to read each term, and an evening to meet and discuss it together over supper. You are very welcome to attend just once, or every time, as you feel able.

See below for our 2024 dates (books to be confirmed):

Term 1 – ‘True Friendship’ by Vaughan Roberts – Monday 25th March, 7:45pm

Term 2 – ‘First Wives Club’ by Claire Heath-Whyte –  Monday 3rd June, 7:45pm

Term 3TBC – Monday 26th August, 7:45pm

Term 4 TBC –  Monday 28th October, 7:45pm

Enquiries: Cathy Grimmond

Junior Jivers

As well as being a time to have some fun with your children in the company of other College children, Junior Jivers provides a great training opportunity. Many churches run Junior Jivers groups as an outreach to parents in their local area. By coming along to Junior Jivers you can find out what it is all about and how to run a successful group. You could take a turn leading the group or assist in the co-ordination of the group.

Junior Jivers is a music and movement class for College children and their carers. It is a time to enjoy dancing, singing and jiving with your children. The music and story time is particularly aimed at children aged 2-4 years but all children aged 0-5 are welcome.


  • Time: Tuesday mornings, meet at 9am for a 9:15am start – during term time
  • Location: Morning Tea Room DBK building
  • Those attending have the opportunity to join the students for college morning tea after the session. All mums of the college community are warmly invited to come and check it out!
  • Enquiries: Vivian Chen and Emerlyn Kuok

But-Har-Gra (Croydon Park)

  • Time: Thursdays mornings, 9:30am – during term time
  • Location: Hardwick Room, at the back of 124 Croydon Ave, Croydon Park
  • Please join us for morning tea beforehand.
  • Enquiries: Caitlin Bakon and Naomi Lowth

Prayer Support Group

The Prayer Support Group is a group of women from all over Sydney that meets together to pray for the needs of the College, its faculty, students and staff.  We are always looking for new women to join us as we express our dependence on God for all things. It is a joy to hear about how God is working in the lives of our students and their families and to find out firsthand how we can best pray for College and its faculty, students and staff.

2024 Prayer Support Group Meetings


  • Monday March 4th, 10am-12pm
  • Monday May 6th, 10am-12pm
  • Monday July 29th, 10am-12pm
  • Monday September 23rd, 10am-12pm
  • Monday November 11th, 10am-12pm

Where: The Principal’s residence (7 Carillon Ave, Newtown)

What: We share morning tea (provided by members of the group) and pray together

Young children are most welcome, and while a crèche is not generally provided, there are plenty of toys available for the children to play with.

Contact for more information – Kathryn Thompson – 0422 083 215

Working With Children Check (WWCC)

If you have signed up for a morning Bible study group, you will be rostered on with your group to help out with creche once or twice a term.

Under current NSW legislation, all people working with children, paid and unpaid, must undergo a “Working With Children Check”. As Moorewomen, we need all creche helpers to undergo this check – there is no cost involved as a voluntary worker.

If you are yet to provide Moorewomen with your “Working With Children Check” details, please fill out the below form. If you are unsure if you’ve undergone a Check, or haven’t done so previously, please go to the Kidsguardian website, complete the process and then return to this form and provide us with your details.

If you have any questions about creche or the Working With Children Check, please contact Amy Kern.