Academic Support

The Academic Support Coordinator’s role is to support all students with academic writing and language, study skills, and exam preparation. Moore’s Academic Support Coordinator is Gordon Cain. Gordon has published a number of resources to help students at College – see the Academic Resources repository to start studying more effectively!

We have many students from STEM and other non-arts backgrounds, from non-English backgrounds, and from non-tertiary backgrounds. Also, some students face other learning challenges or have had a long break from studies.

The Coordinator works to:

  • Support all students to develop their skills and confidence to succeed with the workload of the College undergraduate programs. While much focus is on first year students to prepare them for the following years, all students are encouraged and welcome to access support as they need it.
  • Train and support our team of student tutors as they support their fellow students. This student team is an invaluable support in our Moore Community.
  • To assist class groups in skills for assessment tasks. This includes academic integrity skills, reading and note-taking, and academic writing.
  • Liaising with faculty, chaplains and the Registrar Team to identify and assist specific students as needed.

Our goal is to assist every student in their studies, that they may better serve the Lord Jesus.