Doctor of Philosophy

Step One: Application

Provide the College with the following information:

  • a completed PhD Application Form
  • certified academic transcripts for all tertiary qualifications to date
  • proof of studies in either Greek or Hebrew to at least Level III, Year 3 units in a three year degree
  • a certified copy of an IELTS result with at least 7.5 in every band of the academic test (applies to all students requiring a student visa for entry into Australia and to those for whom English is not their first language who have not completed a prerequisite award in English)
  • Three personal references:
    1. two ministry references including the applicant’s current minister or denominational leader
    2. at least one reference should include evidence that on graduation the applicant is likely to have a ministry leading to an increase of ministry in the wider churches that is directly dependent on the benefits that would be gained from the proposed research.
  • Two academic references (to be forwarded to the College in a sealed envelope by the referee using the form provided by the College for this purpose
  • a marked piece of writing (with a score of 72.5% or above), between 8,000 and 10,000 words evidencing research capability. A BD project or marked thesis (honours or Masters by research) may be substituted for this item.
  • a research proposal – a 2,000 word essay detailing the proposed thesis topic and approach to research. The following headings should be included in the essay:
    1. Topic
    2. Statement of problem/question
    3. Statement of possible contribution to the field
    4. Outline of conceptual framework within which the problem/question is to be addressed
    5. Proposed research (including key objectives and milestones)
    6. Methodology and parameters
    7. Requirements for HREC approval of the proposed research (if any)
    8. A literature survey or a synopsis of literature which would be the first draft of a chapter of the thesis as a basis for a preliminary bibliography
    9. A tentative outline (including a table of contents) of thesis and timeline for completion.

Step Two: Interview

Depending on the foregoing, an interview is arranged with the Director of Research and relevant Head of Department. If the applicant is not able to undertake the interview in Sydney, a skype call can be arranged.

The Director of Research will write a report with a recommendation regarding the applicant.

Step Three: Research Committee (RC) Consideration

The Research Committee (RC) will then consider the student’s application and the report from the Director of Research.

The RC decides whether the application should be endorsed to the College’s Academic Board.

Applications are handled in terms of the procedures set out in the College’s Student Policies and Appeals. In cases where the application is rejected the applicant has recourse to the Academic Grievance (Appeals) Policy of the College.