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Prayer Points

Prayer Points for May 2024

1 MayGive thanks for the provision of students from all over the world for our online and community courses. Pray that through their studies they will learn more of God’s word, know him better and be excited about all that he has done for them
2 MayPray for Ben & Chloe Thielemans (2nd year). Please join Ben and Chloe in thanking God for former graduates Ian and Narelle Hadfield who have joined St Albans Five Dock to lead our congregation. Please pray that Ben would continue to recognise the unique opportunity of theological study and would prayerfully seek to know and love God more and more each day
3 MayPray for those amongst the Faculty who, alongside their teaching and pastoring of students, have writing commitments to fulfill. Pray for discipline, energy and faithfulness.
4 MayPlease join us in thanking God for the work of the Library team, who work hard to provide books and other resources. Please pray for wisdom for the team as they seek to serve the students and support their learning needs.
5 MayOpen Week (6 – 10 May) and Open Night (6 May) Give thanks for the opportunity for people to come along and find out more about the College. Pray that many will be guided to pursue ministry training with College
6 MayPrayer Support Group (6 May) Give thanks for this women’s prayer group that has been meeting for many decades to pray for the needs of the College, its Faculty, students and staff. Pray that as these women gather to thank God and bring requests to our heavenly Father, they will be an encouragement to one another and to the faculty wives and student wives who meet with them.
7 MayPray for the team of chaplains who assist in the pastoral care of our students. Pray for good relationships with the students they serve and that the chaplains will balance their College ministry and other responsibilities well.
8 MayPray for Nick & Brielle Pearson (2nd year). Thank God for the gift of our second child, due August! Please pray that we will manage our growing responsibilities diligently and remember our ultimate security in Jesus through our failures. Please also pray that my family and I will grow in our love for the lost. In our first year at College, we found meaningful engagement with the lost difficult.
9 MayGive thanks for the work of the College Faculty and Staff during Open week. Pray for it’s continued success in engaging people and encouraging many to pursue ministry training.
10 MayPray that the Lord would raise up the right men and women to join the faculty, give wisdom to the Principal in making appointments, and provide all that is needed to enable this.
11 MayPray for graduates of the College now serving overseas with CMS and other missionary organisations. Ask for faithfulness and perseverance as they minister across cultural boundaries and that through them many people will find salvation in Christ.
12 MayPray for wisdom for Simon Gillham in the acting Principal role for the first half of the year. Pray that he would care for the faculty well as there are fewer of them, but more students and expectations.
13 MayPraise God for increased financial support of the College, and the generosity of our many supporters that has enabled scholarships to be awarded to students in 2024. Please thank God for the new international students accepted for study who have arrived at College.
14 MayPray for those students struggling with depression, anxiety and other issues. Pray for strength, patience and perseverance and that they would be well supported and make good progress in their studies
15 MayPray for those undertaking postgraduate studies at College, either full-time or part-time. Pray that they will be wise in time management and that their learning will be a blessing to God’s people
16 MayPray that God would be pleased to use the Priscilla & Aquila Centre to encourage women in Christian ministry. Give thanks for the Annual Conference that was held earlier this year, and for the encouragement that it was for those who attended. Pray that this would be used to encourage the ministries of women in partnership with men.
17 MayPray for Gaurav Taneja, our head chef and the Kitchen staff as they serve daily meals to the whole student body. Give thanks for their commitment to the welfare of the students and pray for energy and stamina for them.
18 MayPray for the students who commenced study in 2024, that they will adjust to life as students and will establish healthy habits that will sustain them spiritually, emotionally and physically.
19 MayPray for the MooreWomen group as it seeks to serve student wives and provide encouragement and training that will be useful in their future ministries.
20 MayPrayer for Steph Larkin (2nd year). Give thanks to God for how he has grown my awe of him this year. It has been incredible to soak in his word and see his power and goodness. Please pray for the kid’s ministry at my church, Marrickville Road Anglican, and for a youth group ministry we hope to start soon
21 MayPray for students and spouses struggling with infertility. Pray that they would have a deep trust in God and his goodness toward them and that they might be granted the gift of children.
22 MayPray for those in the College community who have student minister positions, alongside their studies. Pray that these positions would enable students to gain knowledge and experience in different settings, and that they would be informative as they consider future ministries.
23 MayPray for the Centre for Global Mission (CGM) as they support current partners with theological resources and IT resources, manage translation projects, and establish new partnerships. Give thanks for the many partners and for their desire to see God’s people equipped for ministry throughout the world.
24 MayThanks for the unity of the College faculty and staff and a common commitment to the work of preparing men and women for gospel ministry.
25 MayPray for the College’s initiatives to support ministry marginalised and indigenous communities. Pray for the use of the Diploma of Biblical Theology in equipping people within these communities for ministry.
26 MayPray that the Registrars team will effectively support students in the administration of their theological education at the College.
27 MayPray for Caleb & Hayley Knight (2nd year). Thank God for the joy of doing church with His people in Fairfield and Bossley Park. Please ask that God would grow us in our love for him and our likeness of Jesus this year. Pray also that he would give us both the health and energy we need to serve him well
28 MayGive thanks for the dedicated staff of the College and all they do to support the students and Faculty. Please ask God to keep them in good health, particularly as the winter months approach.
29 MayPlease pray for Angelo Bercasio (2nd year). Pray that as I head into second year, that God will give wisdom and discipline as I study. Pray that what I learn would equip me to serve and love the people at St Martin’s Georges Hall Anglican.
30 MayPray for Simon & Margie Gillham (Faculty). Please give thanks with Simon and Margie for the joy of Christian fellowship at Moore. Pray that God would give Simon the wisdom and energy he needs to love and lead the College well while Mark is studying. Give thanks too for Maddie (Simon and Margie’s daughter) and Trace’s upcoming wedding. Pray for their marriage and for the union not just of the two of them, but the Gillham and Akankunda families.
31 MayPTC Graduation (31 May) Give thanks for the opportunity to celebrate the graduates who have completed their Moore College Preliminary Theological Certificate (PTC) study and ask for God’s blessing on this occasion. Pray that this will be an encouraging night as the word of God is clearly proclaimed