Domestic Violence Policy and Resources

Domestic violence is contrary to the biblical pattern of mutual love and care of each other in marriage, anchored in the example of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is also contrary to the College’s published values of integrity and community. For this reason a policy that seeks to strengthen healthy marriages and family life, denounces domestic violence, and provides help, support and the possibility of a way out of the situation for victims (while acting with concern for the one who has acted violently as well) is entirely consistent with the College’s Vision, Mission and Values. The purpose of this policy is to protect and promote the safety of all members of the College community.

If you are experiencing Domestic or Family violence or are concerned about someone else, here are some resources and points of contact:

Domestic Violence – A starting point in supporting victims

This booklet was initially prepared by Moorewomen to assist ministry wives and women in ministry as they seek to care for people affected by Domestic Violence. It does not deal with every aspect of domestic violence or provide the definitive collection of articles and resources, but rather is meant to be a helpful starting point for those seeking to minister primarily to female victims. Read an online version.

The Moore College Domestic Violence Policy and a list of Christian Counselling Professionals experienced in working with domestic and family violence (Counsellors, Psychologists, Social Workers and Therapists) can be accessed via our policies page.